How can improve our Indian system respective of women law

How can improve our Indian system respective of women law

Women always success in all field, but Indian is a democratic country. Today also women condition is not better than other country. She is unable to exercise her rights. If we want to improve women life then we should try only the progress of women has power in the progress of the country.

Step of law’s for women.

Our government has made many laws for women. We should follow the rule to improve the condition of women. Many laws will be made to improve the situation of women.

Some examples are given below:

  1. Equality towards women should be shown
  2. Remove the atrocities a women by laws.
  3. Law has been made for women. We should instructed to follow with power.
  4. The situation of women should be improved under the law.
  5. Women don’t be the victim of any physical, mental violence.
  6. Women get all kinds of freedom.
  7. Women should have the right to equality.
  8. Improving the condition of women and turning them toward directions.
  9. Do not violate the rights of women.
  10. Efforts should be made to remove the feeling of discrimination against women.

Thus we should be efforts made in the progress of the country by changing law of women rights.